Eight Views of the Four Seasons
The Next One Isn’t Far
There are four seasons,
Well known to all.
Here we’ll start with winter,
And end these poems with fall.
Each one has its own,
Benefits and flaws.
There is no way of changing,
Mother nature’s laws.
No less than the Mandela,
Of life itself is at stake.
The four season are the essence of life,
And our daily lives do make.
We must accept all of them,
Just as they are.
If we don’t like this one,
The Next One Isn’t Far.
I Love Winter
I love winter because,
It’s the best time of year.
When all things family,
Become near and dear.
The days and nights turn chilly,
As the winds howl and blow.
The once forest-green mountains,
Are the first to get their snow.
Then it snows lower down,
Covering all with a new, winter cloak.
In the light of day it sparkles,
At night, a wonderland to evoke.
Of course we’ll build a snowman,
Maybe a snowwoman, too.
We’ll never have enough time for all,
The neat new things to do.
We’ll wear our jackets and winter boots,
And vests made of down.
We’ll go exploring with our snowshoes,
Over snow no one has found.
We’ll ski the powder from dawn to dusk,
Or join friends in a snowball fight.
Then we’ll stay in the mountain lodge,
Safe from winter’s might.
First Thanksgiving then the joy of Christmas,
Are shared with family and friends.
New Years is one hugh party,
That no one wants to end.
Thus, is winter,
The time for hearth and home.
And for the frozen months to come,
In a snow-covered world we’ll roam.
I Hate Winter
I hate winter because,
It’s the worst time of year.
The family hunkers down for months,
With claustrophobia and fear.
We must finish our preparations,
To be ready before it comes.
It’ll sweep in without mercy,
And to it all life must succumb.
The days and nights are intolerable,
Constant storms rage without.
For weeks on end it’s impossible,
To get around and about.
For months snow will fall,
Upon frozen sea and land.
The ice is dangerous and slippery,
It’s impossible to walk or stand.
During these times we must forgo,
The fun of warmer days.
There just isn’t any joy,
In these colder, snowy ways.
Thus, is winter,
The worst time of the year.
Oh, how I wish I could be,
Any place else but here.
I Love Spring
I love spring because,
It’s the best time of year.
Life’s renaissance has arrived,
And is signaling it’s finally here.
The increasing hours of light,
Are sending darkness to its land.
We welcome the warmer days’ arrival,
To end winter’s stand.
Finally, winter’s gloom will fade,
As we escape its bondage of cold.
Finally, we may enjoy life renewed,
With its re-awakenings as foretold.
The welcomed treasures of spring,
Are returning to the earth.
I’m ready for their arrival,
I'm ready for life’s rebirth.
Thus, is spring,
When the phoenix rises like the sun.
It’s time for celebrating warmer days,
Because we know winter is done.
I Hate Spring
I hate spring because,
It’s the worst time of year.
The plants are beginning to bloom,
And their pollen fills me with fear.
It’s the time for hiding inside,
For doctor’s visits, medicines and sprays.
At times my breathing gets so bad,
There’s nothing but hospital stays.
My social life stops completely,
There’s no energy left for fun.
All I have is my breathing machine,
It replaces everyone.
It’s pollen time, and so much so,
Some days I can’t breathe at all.
On into summer, it may continue,
Oh, please God, hurry fall.
Thus, is spring,
The time I live in fear.
Out of the pan and into the fire,
Spring’s my sick time of year.
I Love Summer
I love summer because,
It’s the best time of the year.
There’re extra daylight hours,
For drinking a lot more beer.
There are far more opportunities,
To hang out with the boys.
And many reasons for buying a slew,
Of brand new summer toys.
It’s the time for outdoor events,
And of course, road trips to take.
There are enticing sun-drenched beaches,
To lie upon and bake.
There’ll be warm days and afternoons,
Backyard picnics in flip-flops and shorts.
Friends and family will gather,
Bringing beer and foods of all sorts.
Thus, is summer,
With its warmth and extra light.
It’s the time to play outside,
Night and day with all our might.
I Hate Summer
I hate summer because,
It’s the worst time of year.
The drunks are driving like fools,
Drinking their summertime beer.
More can be done with the extra light,
But not for the good-time boys.
For them, it’s just more party time,
With their beer and summertime toys.
Those summer parties do nothing,
To enhance one’s life at all.
They’re only sad examples,
Of wasting time until the fall.
Then there are the flies and bugs,
That buzz my ears and eyes.
Out of all of them, the flies are the worse,
How I hate those annoying flies!
Thus, is summer,
When there’s more light to get things done.
But alas, most fail to use it,
And just waste it worshiping the sun.
I Love Fall
I love fall because,
It’s the best time of year.
The air is crisp and turning cold,
As the harvest ball draws near.
The blue moon rises in the sky,
To illuminate the harvest’s gain.
The season’s bounty is stored away,
So we’ll eat in spring again.
The leaves have lost their green,
Changing to colors bold.
They flutter down from the sleeping trees,
To be scuffed as in days of old.
Halloween brings tricking and treating,
With parents and their goblins and ghouls.
They’re working for the season’s treats,
With masks and costumes as their tools.
Thus, is fall,
With its blue moon and multicolored leaves.
It’s the time to harvest and store for winter,
It’s the time for bringing in the sheaves.
I Hate Fall
I hate fall because,
It’s the worst time of year.
Summer’s carefree fun is gone,
And for months, it won’t be here.
The days become shortened and cold,
And “dwindled down to a precious few.”
Darkness comes before we are ready,
Leaving many things yet to do.
In the same way, life is winding down,
It’s time to prepare for the effect.
We must do the things needing doing,
For the rewards, God’s told us to expect.
There is no choice, it’s coming,
It’s not for us to decide.
I’m dreading the stormy months ahead,
In the tropics, I wish I could hide.
The Differences the Seasons Bring
There is no standard message,
For the seasons, one and all.
Instead, they're competing views,
From winter’s snow to the slumber of fall.
One person says, “How wonderful.
Finally, it’s here at last.”
While another says, “How horrible.
When will it finally pass?”
People see life differently,
It’s just the way of things.
We each have our personal views,
Of The Differences the Seasons Bring.